Titus Alexander
Independent Scholar and Community Educator
Titus Alexander is an independent scholar and community educator based in Scotland. He is author of Unravelling Global Apartheid: An Overview of World Politics (Polity Press), In the name of the people: Strengthening Global Accountability, and many papers on global governance, climate policy and accountability. As chair of Westminster UNA he launched Charter 99, a campaign for global accountability backed by the One World Trust. This influenced the UN Millennium Summit and led to a ten-year Global Accountability Project. He contributed to the One World Trust’s A world that works for everyone: Our vision for an accountable system of global governance and develop a framework for Accelerated Global Actions within the UN system. Work on climate includes proposals for a Commonwealth Climate Coalition Initiative. Titus founded ‘Democracy Matters’, an informal network of over 30 organisations promoting education for practical politics. He was Director of Policy at ‘People Can’, a social justice charity formerly ‘Novas Scarman’. Titus has been called a “one man think tank” on community action, citizenship, education, family learning, social innovation and global issues. His most recent work is on ‘dynamic social theory’, an innovative approach to social science.
Email: titusa03@gmail.com Website: TitusAlexander.com