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Jens Stoltenberg Launched #NATO2030

[Image from NATO website] Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary-General of NATO, launched #NATO2030 in a speech on 8 June. This is a process to set NATO’s course for the next decade. He remarked that the rise of China is multiplying the threats to open societies and individual freedoms. He therefore advocated that NATO must set an agenda aiming to:
  • Stay strong militarily;
  • Be more united politically;
  • And take a broader approach globally.
As part of this process, he said that NATO needs a more global approach. “As we look to 2030, we need to work even more closely with like-minded countries, like Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea.” He has asked a group of experts to provide new ideas, and pledged to continue to consult actively with allies, and reach out to civil society, the private sector, and young leaders. His final recommendations will inform the direction NATO Leaders set out when they meet next year.




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